Alternative Therapies, Readings & Healings


Yhandi is a gentle loving approach to healing the Inner Child. People may ask what is the Inner Child? The Inner child is in all of us, we all were children once and this child remains within. Our inner child can carry scars from things that have happened in our childhood. Love is the key to this powerful healing of our child selves. Love for our child, and our adult self brings about a healing so the two can merge and create more beautiful things in our lives. This process is 4 sessions between 2 – 2 ½ hours each and costs $500.

RoHun Therapy

RoHun therapy is a spiritual therapy for the soul itself. It combines transpersonal psychotherapy and energy work in a channel of light, love and acceptance which connects us to our deepest soul experience.

There are stages of clearing with RoHun the first of these is called Purification.

RoHun Cleanse

This process is an introduction to RoHun – it is a 2 ½ hour session, it can be done independently or does not need to be done at all. It starts revealing some of the faulty thoughts we take on from birth. $175

RoHun Purification

Purification is 3 sessions, approximately 2 ½ hours each, where you begin to go deep into the subconscious, with the assistance of spiritual energy work, revealing those faulty thoughts that you have been operating out of since planting the seed thought. Gaining the awareness that you have this thought charged emotionally within you, you then become empowered to forgive and let go, clearing the faulty thought pattern, thereby setting you free. Free to experience life from a higher sense of love for self, inner peace and harmony and all of those blocks released; now open the doors for your spiritual purpose to move forward. $400

RoHun Purification Skim

Following a Purification Process, a skim can clear remaining faulty thoughts and negative emotions, as you prepare to release any remnants of victim energy. This is a 2 ½ hour session which continues the clearing and releasing started with the purification process. $175

RoHun Caged

The caged Process accesses deep core issues around abuse of power so that you may finally heal the fears preventing you from success. The caged process will take you to new levels of self-awareness and self-acceptance and you will emerge as a more loving and powerful being. This process is 4 sessions, 2 to 2-1/2 hours each. $500

RoHun Cards

This process is used to concentrate on one issue that might be bothering you. It is to go to the root of the problem and clear whatever faulty thought is attached to the issue. A session is 45 minutes to an hour. $100

Akasha Angel Reading

This reading introduces you to your angels and guides. They will have information you can use in different aspects of your life. You are also introduced you to a past life that can bring healing to some aspect of your current life. A session is 45 minutes to an hour and costs $125.

Soul Life Reading

This is a reading that goes into each of your Chakras and helps you to understand your soul’s purpose and clarifies information on your abilities and strengths in this lifetime. Significant past lives, guides or loved ones from the other side may come through with enlightening information also. A session is about 45 minutes and costs $125.

Past Life Regression

This reading helps you understand how the past influences your world today. It can bring healing to the past as well as the present and future. You will be guided through the regression and we will have a discussion what the lifetime found means to you. A session is about an hour and costs $125.

Color & Sound healing

This healing is to balance the Chakra system – it uses of a multitude of tools including; Toning, Color, Sound and Channeling energies. A session is 30-45 minutes and costs $100.


Reiki is a form of therapy that uses simple hands-on, no-touch, and visualization techniques. Reiki is used to alleviate problems of energy flow on the physical, emotional, and spiritual level. It is used to relieve stress and pain, and to improve the symptoms of various health conditions. A session is 30-45 minutes and costs $75.

Reiki Classes

The classes attune you to become a Reiki practitioner as well as explain the history and purposes of Reiki. Reiki has three levels – Level I, Level II and Master (Level III). Each class is 4-6 hours. Level I & II are $150 each and Level III costs $200.

Trance Healing

I step into a trance state to channel the highest vibration, bringing spirit doctors, guides and angels in to assist in the healing. A session is 30-45 minutes and costs $100.